Delivering Product Intelligence in Italy

Access robust product intelligence in Italy. Leverage data-driven insights from real Italians for agile product ideation and consumer-centric decision-making.

The Italian market

The Italian consumer market is one of Europe’s most vibrant and influential, blending centuries-old traditions with cutting-edge developments. Italian consumers are renowned for their discerning taste, prioritising quality, style, and il valore del denaro (value for money). While they’re attentive to price, Italians willingly invest in products that embody craftsmanship or innovation, from artisanal pasta to the latest fashion trends.

Sustainability and eco-consciousness are increasingly shaping Italian consumer behaviour, with a growing demand for prodotti ecologici e etici (eco-friendly and ethical goods). This trend is particularly pronounced among the giovani generazioni, (young generations). Salute e benessere (health and wellness) are also key priorities, influencing not just dietary preferences but lifestyle products as well. There’s a surging interest in prodotti biologici, km zero (locally sourced), and plant-based options, reflecting a fusion of traditional Mediterranean diet wisdom with modern nutritional insights.

Regional differences are a hallmark of Italian consumer culture, with distinct preferences between cosmopolitan Milan and rural Tuscany or between the sun-soaked South and the industrious North. Understanding these nuances is crucial for crafting marketing strategies that resonate from the boutiques of Rome to the markets of Naples.

La fiducia dei consumatori (consumer trust) and data privacy are paramount concerns in Italy, significantly influencing brand loyalty and purchasing decisions. Companies that prioritise transparency and data protection tend to fare well in this market where personal relationships and reputation still play a crucial role in business success.

  • Capital: Rome
  • Currency: € (EUR)
  • Population: 59,315,000
  • Primary language: Italian
  • GDP growth: 0.9%
  • Inflation rate: 20.8%
  • Total MR spend: $0.7bn (rank #10)
  • MR spend per capita: $10

How can we help?

Our purpose-built platform integrates seamlessly with a large and diverse Italian proprietary community, capturing the essence of Italy’s rich and varied consumer landscape — from the fashion-forward Milanesi to the tradition-loving Siciliani. This empowers you to centre your development process around the unique needs of Italian consumers, renowned for their discerning tastes and appreciation for la dolce vita (the sweet life). 

Reliable market research in Italy is key for streamlining your development process and increasing product performance. By directly engaging with local consumers, you gain precise insight into what appeals most to them, whether it’s the latest luxury services in Rome or artisanal products in Tuscany. This enables you to make informed, data-driven decisions specific to the Italian market rather than relying on assumptions.

Our product intelligence platform helps you navigate the unique aspects of consumer preferences in Italy and enables you to identify new opportunities for growth. You can also gain valuable insights into Italian consumer tastes, from their passion for regional specialities like Parmigiano-Reggiano or Prosciutto di Parma to their discerning eye for style.

By tapping into the intricacies of the country’s unique consumer culture, you can tailor your products to resonate with the values of qualità (quality), estetica (aesthetics), and sostenibilità (sustainability). Whether it’s understanding the importance of la bella figura (the good figure) in personal care products or the role of family traditions in food choices, our insights help you connect authentically with the local market.

Would you be open to hiring an EV if it’s an unknown brand?

Yes, but only if it has good reviews
I’m not sure
Yes, but only if it’s cheaper
No, I would not consider this

Sent to consumers who hire a vehicle at least once a year

Precision targeting to find the right audience

Our Italian community is extensive enough to support a wide range of consumer targeting capabilities. Both broad and diverse, our proprietary panel grants you access to previously hard-to-reach audiences, from cosmopolitan professionals in Milano to traditional families in Sicilia.

Your dedicated customer growth partner will help evaluate and optimise the effectiveness of your targeting strategy. The Public Demographics feature enables precise targeting based on general characteristics such as age, gender, region, or household income.

For more advanced customer segmentation, our Private Demographics allow you to focus on particular consumer attributes, opinions, or behavioural patterns unique to Italian buyers. This could include factors like eco-consciousness and preference for prodotti biologici (organic products), loyalty to regional specialties or affinity for cutting-edge ‘Made in Italy’ design and technology.

Our targeting capabilities help you navigate the rich tapestry of Italian consumer culture. This granular approach ensures your products resonate with the right segments of this market for increased customer satisfaction and an edge over your competitors.

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EMEA Brand Manager

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Blended methodologies that deliver robust outputs

Uniting qualitative and quantitative approaches, we empower businesses to uncover precise insights into Italian consumer preferences, intentions and behaviours. Our robust methodology ensures data reliability and accuracy across various testing scenarios, be it product concepts inspired by traditional Italian craftsmanship or innovative eco-friendly packaging formats.

We harness principles of behavioural science to elicit quick, instinctive ‘System 1’ responses from participants, mirroring the swift decision-making often seen in markets and piazzas. This approach accurately reflects typical buying behaviour, enabling a deeper understanding of consumer actions across Italy.

By delving into the nuances of localised consumer behaviour, we help you navigate the intricacies of this sophisticated market. Our methodology reflects the multifaceted nature of Italian consumerism — from the traditional ‘slow food’ movement to the rapid adoption of digital payment methods.

By leveraging our insights, you can navigate the delicate balance between innovation and tradition that characterises this distinct market. This ensures your products and services strike the right chord with this sophisticated audience.

How does it work?

Premium market research hinges on audience quality, which is why we’ve cultivated strong relationships across our proprietary communities. From the bustling streets of Roma to the chic boutiques of Milano, these connections allow us to target precise Italian audiences. This ensures data integrity and the gathering of robust market intelligence.

Our community panel and insights platform provide consumer-centric solutions tailored to the discerning Italian consumer. Whether you’re launching a new pasta shape or revolutionising espresso machines, we are your trusted partner for product intelligence in both European and international markets. Our agile innovation management ensures quality fieldwork and swift results, adapting to Italy’s dynamic consumer landscape.

Step 1

We blend Italian consumer expertise with cutting-edge technology to deliver premium insights for businesses targeting this vibrant market. Our team understands the nuances of the marketplace and offers tailored research methodologies that capture the essence of consumer culture in Italy.

We employ a mix of qualitative and quantitative approaches, including sentiment analysis finely tuned to the Italian language and its regional dialects. Whether you’re targeting the bustling markets of Roma or the historic streets of Firenze, our insights reflect Italy’s diverse consumer landscape.

Our methods capture the sophisticated nature of Italian consumers. By providing a deep understanding of consumer behaviour in this country, we enable you to navigate this complex market with confidence and align your strategies with local expectations and values.

Step 2

Our precision targeting allows you to gather accurate, relevant feedback from diverse consumer groups. We offer advanced capabilities across the Italian market, including bespoke Private Demographics for our consumer panel. You can publish steers online (domande lampo – our Italian twist on quick questions) for rapid responses, including consumer insight videos.

This granular approach captures nuances in consumer behaviour in Italy, from regional preferences to specific demographic groups. Our targeting considers factors like age, income, education, and lifestyle, helping you understand how different groups respond to your product or service.

For example, older generations tend to value “Made in Italy” items, while the sustainability-driven youth is more likely to embrace “km 0” products. Our research reflects this diverse, nuanced consumer landscape, providing actionable insights that help you optimise your product development processes.

Step 3

Steer results are available in multiple formats, including graphical presentations and detailed tabular breakdowns. Our analysis enables you to explore key factors resonating with Italian shoppers. In this way, our insights can help you navigate the market’s intricacies, reflecting regional nuances between different areas such as Torino and Napoli.

This comprehensive approach provides you with more than just raw data — it offers a deep understanding of Italian consumer behaviour. Our expert analysts interpret the numbers in the context of Italy’s unique culture. This detailed understanding allows you to make informed decisions that resonate with local buyers, keeping your brand relevant and providing an advantage over competitors.

Discover how businesses are leveraging Vypr’s international consumer intelligence platform for a competitive edge and enhanced performance in the Italian market.

Translating insights into action can be challenging, especially in Italy’s nuanced market. Our team of professionals is well-versed in all consumer trends and is ready to assist with your strategy. We help interpret the ‘so what?’ of our data, ensuring your strategies align with Italian values like the locals’ love for aperitivo or their passion for calcio (football).

Vypr: Reliable insights for agile innovation & winning products

Vypr is the world’s leading product intelligence platform that enables businesses to understand changing consumer behaviour through fast, cost-effective consumer insight.

We have the breadth of capability to help our clients gather reliable consumer insights and product intelligence across Italy and other countries. We’re able to simultaneously maintain depth by combining this with our unique approach to targeting.

We also offer world-class support for our customers, behavioural science-backed methodologies and brand tracking tools. Doing business in Italy has never been easier than with our world-class solutions.

Have you ever bought a ‘product exclusive’ that was only available in a certain retailer?


Sent to a nationally representative sample

Happy customer

Worldwide consumer and market intelligence

We’re excited to be able to offer our customers a global product intelligence platform. At Vypr, we have been helping customers successfully access product intelligence in Europe for the last 5 years.

We find that most of our customers want to work with a single trusted market research agency that can service their requirements across multiple countries.

The expansion of our communities to include capability across more international markets underlines our ongoing commitment to investing in our customers’ success. Our international agenda will propel Vypr into 6 continents.