Veganuary 2022 – Consumer insight

January – a time many of us set resolutions and vow to take part in various challenges that pop up this time of year.
One such challenge – Veganuary. We set out to find out key consumer opinions and behaviours around this month-long Vegan pledge, by running some research with the Vypr Community.*
How many people are taking part in Veganuary 2022?
Around 37% of our nationally representative sample are taking part.
We wanted to find out more from meat-eaters specifically, and found that around 21% are doing what they can/reducing their meat intake, 12% are taking part, but 63% are not taking part at all (the remaining voted for None of the above).
Why are people taking part?
We followed up with those that voted ‘Yes’ to our first question and found that the main reason people are taking part is for their health.
After uncovering these statistics, we wanted to dig deeper into consumer thoughts on the trend of Veganuary.
We found out some interesting insights from the Vypr Community by conducting Sentiment Analyses.
Overall thoughts on Veganuary
Here is what our community thought in general – with around 51% of the responses being positive.
Many believed it was a good idea but there were also consumers that wanted more education on it, expressing their concerns on how a Vegan diet could affect nutrient intake.
There were also concerns about Veganuary being a drastic first step into eating more Vegan foods, as many stated they would prefer to reduce meat intake first.
We ran more analyses to find breakdowns of thoughts by different diets:
Meat Eaters
Around 44% of responses were positive here.
Meat Reducers
A much larger 67% of responses were positive.
Vegetarians and Vegans:
Perhaps predictably, the percentage of positive responses from this group was the highest at 78.5%, but there were still some negative responses – particularly due to not liking the idea of it being a ‘trend’.
We hope you found this summary of research interesting – whether you’ve pledged to a new routine or resolution, we wish you every success this new year!
*Steers (what we call the research questions run on our platform) were run during Jan 2022, with Vypr’s robust consumer community. Learn more about our data here.