Vypr and data quality: Engaged community

Welcome to the third article in our series on Vypr’s data quality. Vypr ensures that the insight you use is as robust and reliable as possible by focusing on 5 quality pillars, namely our methodology, panel representativeness, engaged community, reliable responses, and having a team of experts in place.

This article explores how we measure our community’s interaction with the Vypr app to increase engagement and longevity on the panel. We recognise that understanding our consumers and meeting their needs will result in them being happy and engaged. This improves all aspects of how they interact with Vypr such as resulting in them answering steers as honestly and appropriately as possible. This leads to more comprehensive responses, (in terms of our qualitative steers) and more accurate responses for our quantitative steers.
Vypr captures data on every interaction with our app, from answering steer questions to checking point balances and requesting reward payments. By analysing this data alongside consumer feedback, we can introduce new features, functionality, and targeted communications that keep our community interested and engaged.
From the moment a consumer downloads our app, we aim to deliver against their expectations, with clear messaging about the low workload of single-question steers, sign-on bonuses, and the reward process. Things that help encourage sign-ups are positive app reviews and organic recruitment from unincentivised referrals from friends, families, forums, and social media.
To build loyalty and longevity, we need to find the right communication balance. Too little communication and consumers lose interest, too much and they feel their privacy is being invaded, leading to blocking or uninstalling the app.
With our own proprietary panel and mobile app, we capture every screen and keystroke within our app with time and date, which allows us to work with an analytics partner to measure consumer ‘journeys’ and community activity ranking. We group individual consumers into cohorts of heavy, medium, light, intermittent, and inactive users and use this data to predict future engagement levels and create effective targeted interventions.
We follow up with steer availability reminders via push notifications, reactivation emails, and additional Vypr engagement steers to give more opportunities to earn extra reward points. Our community support team responds to individual enquiries within 24 hours and manages app reviews, social media content, and web pages.
Consumer retention is continually measured by looking at consumers who are active in week ‘X’and still active 12 or 52 weeks later, to understand differences and plan improvements to raise the bar for continuous improvement.
We are proud to report that our 12-week and 52-week retention levels are exceeding targets at the total community level. This indicates a good balance of retained happily engaged consumers who enjoy answering steers, as well as an injection of new recruits to refresh the natural attrition or forced consumer churn resulting from our regular quality control checks.
In summary, we measure how people use the Vypr app to improve engagement and address any issues. By analysing data patterns for different groups, we predict future engagement levels and adapt communication to keep people interested. We measure success by how many people keep using the app over time, and we’re always working to make it better.