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Frequently Asked Questions
Vypr’s technology connects your products to consumers like never before. We break down every element of new and existing product propositions into their constituent parts; testing their relative contributions to purchase intent with 1000s of consumers via smartphone, both online and in-store.
We’d love you to join the likes of M&S, Cranswick, Hallmark, and Greene King who are all benefiting from our product intelligence technology.
Not sure? Why don’t you try for FREE.
What are ‘steers?
A steer is a one-off question which is seen by consumers who meet your target criteria.
What happens if we run out of ‘steers’?
At the beginning of an annual contract, we will work with you and anticipate your requirements for the year. However, sometimes times your needs may change, and you may need more steers. Additional steers or ‘steer bundles’ can be bought at any time throughout your contract and unlike your annual steers allocation, you can rollover your steer bundles into the following year’s contract.
Is Vypr a self-serve platform?
Yes, Vypr is a self-serve platform that allows an unlimited number of users to run their own steers. However, we do offer a managed service if required, as well as support for specific projects. Contact us for more information.
What training do you offer to support my team to use the Vypr platform?
It’s really important to us that your team use Vypr to its full capability. All new clients have an interactive training workshop and have unlimited access to the helpdesk which is open 9-5 Monday to Friday. You will also be supported by your client manager and have regular catch-ups where you can discuss any complex projects where you may require further support. We also run weekly virtual training sessions for all clients with new starters or those who may simply want a refresher.
Why don’t you use normal surveys like everyone else, why the ‘one-off’ steers?
Vypr was created with the London School of Economics using behavioural Science led questions. Our methodology of ‘one-off’ questions mitigates the risk of response bias (such as acquiescence, habituation or social desirability bias) to ensure your data is robust as possible. You can still ‘follow on’ from the results of one steer to ask and another question using our ‘Follow-on’ steers. Vypr’s methodology doesn’t limit your ability to get insight from a series of questions from a more traditional questionnaire. Our helpdesk team are always on hand to show you how to ‘Vypr it’!